Welcome to our world!

Our services affect our daily life, education, technology and the place where we work.

Travel smart!

Eat, sleep and have fun for the best prices!

Success requires: Training, discipline and continuous work!

We develop and train people, empowering your business.

Think differently with Eco-Friendly!

We provide a customer not a sale!

Save your time and raise your living standards!






About Albgroup

The work of a dedicated team, service to hundreds of customers, the trust
of many suppliers and international partners, the passion to always contribute
to the development of 4 current companies was christened AlbGroup.
Albgroup includes under its name 4 companies and more than 9 years of entrepreneurial experience in the sectors of cleaning, sewerage, distribution, technology and tourism. Albpastrim, Albsolution, Albacademy, Albooker...

Dedicated support

High quality




Our philosophy

Our priority is to establish a positive relationship with our customers and employees, as they are the key to our success. We work hard to be the first choice for every customer, providing you with quality service, guaranteeing maximum efficiency in our products and providing the best service in the qualification and education of a staff for each business category.
For us, time is golden, so we use every moment of it to give the best of every service we offer, so that the future of our companies is even more successful.

Social Responsibility

Albgroup aims to be an actor with values in society, environment and community. Through our example we aim to educate generations, raise community awareness and impact in conveying the right values for society. Our products are carefully selected to be eco-friendly, protecting the environment. Quality is the basic principle in Albsolution, offering only brands of products which are environmentally friendly, do not harm the air, provide maximum hygiene and last in time. At Albpastrim we aim to improve the quality of life of each of us, combining the best product with modern technology. Education and capacity building are at the core of Albacademy's work with programs suitable for different groups...


2020 – Direct Booker
A new platform for the Albanian market, Direct Booker which comes to the aid of all apartment or hotel owners and also of all visitors from all over the world. Using knowledge, experience and innovation, Direct Booker's vision is to become one of the leading holiday rental agencies in Albania.